Shrove Tuesday Taco Dinner
Photo by Anthony Espinosa on Unsplash
It’s “Taco Shrove Tuesday”!!
Join us on Tuesday, February 13th from 5-7 pm in our church hall for this festive night before the beginning of Lent. For centuries, Christians have gathered on this night to eat some of the foods that they might give up during the 40 days of Lenten sacrifice. They would clean out their kitchens of fat, sugar, sweets, and other rich foods that they would not eat during Lent. They also burned branches of Palm that they used during the previous years Palm Sunday celebration. The word “shrove” comes from an ancient word that means to receive absolution or forgiveness by confessing one’s sins. So, on this night, we celebrate before beginning the 40 day journey of lent. Here at St. Gregory’s, we’ll eat a delicious taco dinner, play fun games, and enjoy fellowship with one another. We hope that you will come and join us!