Our Patron Saint
Saint Gregory the Great was the bishop of Rome from September 3, 590 to his death. He is known for instigating the first recorded large-scale mission from Rome, the Gregorian Mission, and for sending St. Augustine of Canterbury to missionize England, which gave birth to Anglican-Christians.
Prior to becoming Pope, Gregory converted his family villa into a monastery. In his life of contemplation, Gregory concluded that "in that silence of the heart, while we keep watch within through contemplation, we are as if asleep to all things that are without." Gregory is commonly credited with founding the medieval papacy and so many attribute the beginning of medieval spirituality to him.
Gregory is the patron saint of musicians, singers, students, and teachers. He is also the patron saint of Ecumenism, and was chosen for our parish so that we could be in communion with the Catholic church next door to us. His feast day is typically celebrated on March 13th.