Our Labyrinth
Situated between the church and Parish Hall, St. Gregory’s labyrinth offers members and visitors a place to reflect and meditate while walking a spiritual path.
Our labyrinth is arranged so walkers can move back and forth across the circular form through a series of curves, ending at the labyrinth's heart or center. The labyrinth pattern wanders nearer to — and farther from — its center, much like our path in searching for God’s presence.
St. Gregory’s labyrinth is open to everyone, and instructions on how to walk it are provided in the “little library” located next to the labyrinth.
Our Prayer Garden
Situated between St. Gregory’s Church and Mother Cabrini Roman Catholic Church is a prayer garden.
Our prayer garden offers a place for members and guests to pray “The Way of the Cross” (also known as The Stations of the Cross). Originally adapted from the local usage of stations used by pilgrims in the Holy Land, the stations provide Christians a local experience of journeying with Christ to the cross.
During Lent, special services that follow The Way of the Cross liturgy are held.