Lent @ St.Gregory’s
Welcome to the season of Lent. The Word “Lent” means forty, and it represents the 40 days of preparation for the Easter Resurrection. During this time, we prepare ourselves by prayer, fasting, and almsgiving. During the next 40 days, we will journey together to the cross so that we can truly experience the transforming love of Jesus’ resurrection. The following opportunities are available at St. Gregory’s so that you can fully engage in the spiritual disciplines of Lent. May you and your families have a blessed Lenten season.
Lenten Sermon Series “Restored by Grace”
For many of us, the past few months, the past few years have been….well….exhausting. So much change. So much uncertainty. So much brokenness.
We wonder…..will I ever get over feeling tired? Can any of this be “fixed”? Can hope be “restored”?
The art work that we have chosen as a metaphor for this Lenten season is called Kintsugi. It is the Japanese art of repairing broken pottery by mending the areas of breakage with lacquer dusted or mixed with powdered gold, silver or platinum. As a philosophy, it treats breakage and repair as part of the history of an object, rather than something to disguise.
During this Lenten season we will reflect on the parables of Jesus which remind us that His grace CAN restore us.
Lenten Bible Studies
Sundays @ 9 am in the Parish Hall “The Genesis of Sacred Attachment”
Mondays @ 6:30 pm on Zoom “The Songs of Ascent: a journey to Jerusalem” Click here to join.
Tuesdays @ 12:30 pm on Zoom “The Corinthian Letters” Click here to join.
Wednesdays @ 7 pm on Zoom “Passion: the real story” Click here to join.
Lenten Taize Worship
Join us on Sunday, March 9th at 5:30 pm for a quiet evening of song, prayer, and Word.
Join us for midweek Holy Eucharist and Healing Prayer! This 30 minute time of worship is a wonderful opportunity for rest and renewal!
An Evening of Creativity and Restoration
Sunday, March 23rd @ 5:30 pm
Join us in our Parish Hall as we express our Lenten journey through art, craft, fellowship, and food!
Stations of the Cross at Mother Cabrini Shrine
Join us on Monday, April 7th as we climb the Stairway of Prayer at the Cabrini Shrine. We’ll meet at the St. Gregory’s parking lot at 1 pm to make our way to the Shrine.
Seder Meal
Sunday, April 13th @ 5 pm Join us as we reenact Jesus’ final meal with his friends.
Lent Madness
Lent Madness is a fun, engaging way for people to learn about the men and women comprising the Church’s Calendar of Saints. The format is a tournament bracket where you will vote for your favorite saint. Click here for the Digital “Saintly scorecards”.