Current Sermon Series

“Revealing Jesus”


As the new year dawns upon us, we enter into the season of Epiphany. The word Epiphany means “manifestation” or “revelation”. It is a season in which we reflect on how God is revealed to us in and through His Son Jesus. At Christmas, we witnessed how God became incarnate in the form of a baby born in the manger. Now we are called to be witnesses of how this baby grows and becomes the world’s Christ. Join us on Sunday mornings at 8 & 10 am as we worship together. During our worship, we’ll see Jesus revealed as the Messiah when he is baptized in the Jordan river, as he changes water into wine at Cana, and as he transforms the world by his grace and power. We pray that as you join us, you will witness how the spirit of Christ is revealed in you during this holy season.